Sir Richard Flyson is holding an exclusive garden party and barbecue at his summer residence to demonstrate his latest invention - a vacuum powered strimmer called the Vrimmer. But when Sir Flyson flicks the switch - well, let's just say the sausages aren't the only things that got burned. It looks like murder... but whodunit?
No script, more freedom! Use your characters key facts and background info to improvise your role!
Play using any of the following characters (minimum of 8)*:
Annanova Sharapova, tennis player
Dignity Rivers, Hollywood actress
Gwynn Reaper, financial advisor
Katja Wave, champion surfer
Nigella Awesome, kitchen goddess
Peg Nose, Olympic swimmer
Sian de Leer, interior designer
Skye Rider, pilot
Belé, Brazilian footballer
Dr Branch, tree surgeon
Ernest Carpenter, handyman
Groove Spinner, DJ
Jack Toucher, green bowls supremo
Rex Creers, tabloid journalist
Rich Kidd, app designer
Shane Woodthwack, Australian cricketer turned chef